EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Squat Snatch with pause below the knees + 1 Squat Snatch
Today we’ll be working the difficult squat snatch. Start with full snatch pausing at the knees and follow that up with a full snatch. Start lifting the bar off the floor while your hips and shoulders rise together. Pause with the barbell below your knees and the drive the bar up by explosively opening the hips. Receive the bar overhead while you quickly descend into an overhead squat. The overhead squat requires a high level of mobility. Make your best effort to descend safely into your deepest squat possible.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
10 One arm dumbbell push press 50/35 lb *
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
* alternate arms each round
Workout notes: This workout is a time priority couplet of bodyweight and weightlifting movements. Both movements recruit a similar movement pattern so pace yourself accordingly. Test out your chosen dumbbell weight with BOTH arms. Most of us have a dominant arm so you’ll need to be sure the weight you use is appropriate for both arms. You’re not required to go “unbroken” in the workout but you absolutely should be able to perform a set of 10 while you are fresh and it should feel fairly easy. Breaking up your reps during the workout might be a good strategy but if your dumbbell is so heavy that you are forced to break up a set of 10 during warm-up you may need to go a little lighter.