3 reps at 70%
3 reps at 75%
Max set at 80%
Week two of your second round through our 5-3-1 progression! Be sure to re-calculate your 1 rep max for next week using the charts on the walls in the gym and the information you get from your max set. Talk to your coach if you haven’t done that before.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
30 seconds of pull ups (kipping or strict)
1:00 of calories (row or bike)
1:30 rest
We saw this format the day before Thanksgiving (Nov. 23), but with kettlebell swings instead of pull ups. The goal on the machine is the same as in November: go very, very fast. You have a long rest after each round, so push hard enough that you need it.
Add up all of your pull ups and calories at the end of the workout.
standard: ring rows
rx: pull ups
sport: chest to bar, and accumulate 30 seconds in a handstand hold against the wall each rest interval. This can be broken up.
metcon: 5×1:30 on, 1:30 off