December 14, 2024

Workout of the Day
4 rounds:
2 minutes of toes to bar
2 minutes of calories
2 minutes of rest

At the start of each 2 minute work interval, complete a set of devil presses.
Round 1: 12 reps
Round 2: 10 reps
Round 3: 8 reps
Round 4: 6 reps

You’ll only be countin your toes to bar and calories on this workout; the devil presses will just be a buy-in each work interval. Modify the toe to bar range of motion so that you’re able to keep small sets for most of the workout rather than breaking down to singles. Push the pace on the devil presses and the machine to buy time and reps.

standard: 35/20
rx: 50/35
sport: 50/35, buy-ins of: 16-14-12-10
metcon: 4×4:00 on, 2:00 off

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