EMOM for 10 Minutes
3 Power cleans
Work up to a moderate weight Power Clean and perform 3 repetitions every minute for 10 minutes. You do not need to choose a weight that allows you to do 3 reps as a touch and go set, but you should be able to follow yourself quickly for the second and third rep leaving at least thirty seconds of the minute. For a power clean you’ll catch the bar in a partial squat dropping as low as is needed. If you end up breaking parallel you have lifted correctly but have possibly gone a little too heavy. Focus on getting your elbows around quickly so that you catch the bar at your shoulders. Practice utilizing the “hook” grip and you might find that your pull feels stronger and more secure off the floor.
3 Rounds for time
50 Sit-ups
400M Run
30 Kettlebell swing 32/24 kg
Workout notes
Today we have a three round triplet with large sets of sit-ups, kettlebell swings and a short run. For the sit-ups you’ll want to work at a steady and sustainable pace rather than sprinting out of the gate. For the runs your focus should be on keeping the intensity high rather than treating them as recovery pieces. Ninety total swings is a high volume of reps and with sets of thirty you will most likely want to break up each round into smaller chunks.