December 16, 2022

Strict Press
3 reps at 70%
3 reps at 75%
Max set at 80%

Week two of your second round through our 5-3-1 progression! Be sure to re-calculate your 1 rep max for next week using the charts on the walls in the gym and the information you get from your max set. Talk to your coach if you haven’t done that before.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
30 air squats
200 m med ball carry
10 push jerks

Air squats are quite tough to hit a good range of motion on while going quickly in a workout if you aren’t paying attention; be sure that both your depth and your lockout at the top are solid. If you find yourself staring down at the floor through the whole squat, you are very likely not extending all the way at the top. The top of that squat is the same position that you stand in when you are upright with good posture.
Pick a barbell weight that you can complete in one or two sets when you’re fresh.

standard: 75/55, 12/8
rx: 115/85, 20/14
sport: 135/95, 30/20, 20 pistols instead of 30 air squats
metcon: 10×1:00 on, 0:30 off

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