December 18, 2015


Tabata Wall Facing Handstand Hold or Handstand Walk

The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Complete the full 8 rounds and hold the handstand during as much of the 20 second interval as you can.    If you have trouble during long effort handstand holds, add in some extra rest by coming down early and try to maintain that  for 8 rounds.  If this is your first time being upside down in a while you can try to perform 1 wall walk each round climbing as far as you are able and then coming back down for a total of 8 times. If you have good proficiency performing handstand holds you can attempt handstand walking.


5 Rounds for time

5 Hang Power Clean 185/125 lb
15 Burpees

Workout notes: The suggested load for this workout is a bit heavier than what you might see in a higher rep metcon.  The hang power clean is a difficult movement so make sure you are able to perform your chosen weight in sets rather than singles. Utilize the hook grip and remember to catch the bar in a partial squat dropping below the bar with partially bent knees rather than perform a split clean if possible.

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