Clean & Jerk
Spend some time working up to a strong effort Clean & Jerk. The squat clean & split jerk is usually the most effective method for moving big weights so unless you have a mobility issue you should be working on the mechanics of those movements. Everyone should start with a very light warmup and increase gradually. New lifters should only increase weight when you are able to consistently repeat the same technique.
5 Rounds of
1 Minute of two arm dumbbell ground to overhead 50/35 lb
1 Minute of sit-ups
Workout notes
This workout is five round couplet of a weightlifting movement and a bodyweight movement. You will have one minute to accumulate reps at each station in each round. The two arm dumbbell ground to overhead is likely unfamiliar so take some time to practice the movement. It is possible to snatch both dumbbells overhead but for most of us a clean and jerk will be the easier and more sustainable method. If you are snatching the dumbbells try a wider stance touching the dumbbells on the ground between your feet. For the clean and jerk a hip width stance touching the ground outside of your feet is likely the best option.