Workout of the Day
7 rounds of 2 minutes on 1 minute off
10 push presses
max reps of power snatches
Choose a weight for your barbell today that you are very comfortable with. You’ll want to make sure you can complete ten unbroken push press through most of today’s workout. If you have to break up the push press reps in the last round or two that is totally fine but if it happens in round 1, 2 or 3 you may end up running out of time for snatches as the workout goes on. If you choose the correct weight for the push press you will likely end up with a manageable weight for the snatches that will allow you to complete small sets of reps rather than singles. If you end up resorting to single snatches focus on controlling your bar after every drop. Your score today will be the total snatch reps you complete after seven rounds.
standard: 75/55 lb
rx: 95/65 lb
sport: 115/85 lb
overachiever: 135/95 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you are using a kettlebell or dumbbell you’ll want to split up the push press reps into five on each arm every round. If your weight is particularly light you may want to bump up the push press reps to 7-10 with each arm every round so that you don’t feel like you’re doing kettlebell or dumbbell snatches forever. Your score today will be the total snatch reps you complete after seven rounds. See you on the leaderboard!