EMOM for 10 minutes
1 slow pull squat clean + 1 squat clean
Spend ten minutes working up in weight for one slow pull squat clean plus one squat clean. The slow pull means that you will take the bar off the ground slowly. We never want to yank the bar off the ground quickly with a normal lift but today will be even slower and more controlled than usual. Once the bar passes your knees you can return to normal speed. Make sure not to pause between the slow pull and the rest of the lift, it should be a gradual speeding up. Your second lift will be normal speed through the whole lift but should still leave the ground under control like any other lift.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 15 minutes
3 burpees
6 push-ups
9 box jumps
We’re leaving the barbell behind for today’s all bodyweight workout. You’ll need a box to jump to and that’s it! Each round will start with three burpees, six strict push-ups and then you’ll move on to your box for nine box jumps. Box jumps can always be switched to step ups if needed or you can consider jumping to a shorter box as well. With only six push-up reps in each round hold yourself to a high standard here. Whether you are working from your toes, knees or with your hands on a box make sure that your whole body is moving up and down together, not just your torso. If you are breaking at the hips or resting at the bottom during your push-ups you are decreasing the difficulty of this movement. Keeping push-ups strict will pay off! Your score today will be total rounds plus any extra reps.
standard: 24/20″
rx: 24/20″
sport: 24/20″
overachiever: 24/20″
CFD at home:
You won’t need any equipment for today’s workout except for something to jump to or step up on to if you have it. If you don’t you can switch out the box jump reps for broad jumps, find something you can jump over or even a squat jump would work! Your score today will be total rounds plus any extra reps. See you on the leaderboard!