December 24, 2017

[creativ_alertbox icon=”” colour=”red” custom_colour=””]Reminder: We are open for only one class today at 9AM. Closed tomorrow the 25th and Tuesday the 26th! Happy Holidays![/creativ_alertbox]


12 Days of Christmas

for time*

1 wall walk, handstand kick up on wall or freestanding handstand attempt
2 one arm alternating man-makers
3 goblet squats
4 one arm alternating snatches
5 push-ups
6 sit-ups
7 burpees
8 one arm alternating clean & jerks
9 jumping squats
10 one arm overhead walking lunge steps
11 broad jump 6′
12 calories (your choice rower or assault bike)

Start with 1 , then 2-1, then 3-2-1 and so on. Your last round will be 12-1.

*35 minute cap

Workout notes: Today’s workout is a variation of a classic holiday CrossFit rep scheme. You’ll start with a handstand attempt. If you are proficient at kicking up into a handstand and feel confident you could safely do so under fatigue do them in open space and try to reach a freestanding static hold momentarily or for a few seconds.  Scale to a kick up on the wall or a wall facing wall walk.  You’ll perform one attempt every round starting with the first round.  Your second round will have two man-makers and one handstand, the third round starts with three goblet squats before you do another set of man-makers and a handstand push-up.  Continue in this fashion until you get to rower or bike where you will complete twelve calories to start your final round.  Use either a dumbbell or a kettlebell.  If you do use a kettlebell you’ll want to make sure your kettlebell has a stable enough base to perform the man-makers.  This workout will probably seem simple at first but we have a total of 364 reps so the volume is high! There are a lot of transitions and each set has a low rep count so keep working at a constant pace throughout the workout.  Have fun and Happy Holidays!

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