REMINDER! We will be open for the morning only on New Years Eve, closed New Years day and back to regular hours on the 2nd.
12/31 Open for CrossFit at 5:45A, 9:30A and 12:00P. Open Gym between 10:30A and 12:00P.
01/01 Closed
01/02 Normal Hours
EMOM for 10 Minutes
Sustainable set of Strict Pull-Ups. Pick a number you can do unbroken and try to maintain that for 10 rounds. Use as little assistance as possible.
Burpee Bar Hops
Power Cleans 155/105lbs
Off Ramp WOD
Scale the power clean weight to one that you can manage easily during your warm up. Be sure you setup properly for each lift and maintain a flat back throughout the whole workout!