EMOM for 10 Minutes
Odd Sustainable set of Handstand Push-Ups
Even Sustainable Set of Double Unders
Talk to your coach about an appropriate way to scale Handstand Push-Ups. You can use this time to improve your strength by performing pike push-ups or work on kipping from a headstand. Choose a challenging number of double unders but use this time as skill practice and save some jumps for the metcon!
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
15 Box Jumps 24/20″
9 Toe-To-Bar
Off Ramp WOD
If possible use a box height that you can safely perform plyometric jumps with. Be explosive with your rebound and rest at the top. Scale Toe-To-Bar by first working on knee tucks or Knees-To-Elbows and then incorporating the kipping motion to sustain the movement.