December 5, 2013

We’ll be holding tryouts for the 2014 Sactown Throwdown this weekend at 11AM!  The Saturday 10:30 weightlifting class will be cancelled so we can setup and get the workouts in!


8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups

Try to add a few pounds from last time.  If you are not quite ready for weighted pull-ups yet, work the bands or do strict bodyweight pull-ups.


3 Rounds for Time

20 Burpee Jump-To-Plate 
20 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
20 Kettlebell Snatch 24/16kg

Break up the kettlebell snatch anyway that you like.  Use a 45# bumper for the burpees.  Both feet must hit the plate. 

Off Ramp WOD

3-5 Rounds for Time of 

10 Burpee Jump-To-Plate 
10 Wall Ball, Light Goblet Squat or Air Squat to target
10 Kettlebell Snatch

Squat mechanics can be tough!  Use assistance or strip the weight to make sure you’re moving well.  
If you are new to CrossFit work with smaller sets and cut the total volume down for this workout.  We value intensity more than volume!