December 5, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power clean plus split jerk

If you’re newer, use this as a chance to pause after the clean and focus on split jerk technique. More experienced lifters can practice following through directly into the split jerk from the power clean catch position without standing to reset first. Either way, keep the load within a range that lets your technique stay consistent.

Workout of the Day
For time:
Toes to bar
Dumbbell power snatch

16 minute time cap

Modify the toe to bar range of motion so that you can hit sets of 5 throughout the workout. Medicine ball sit ups are a great substitute if you can’t hang from the bar. Grab a dumbbell that you’re comfortable snatching in moderate sets, and do your best not to slow down too much on the burpees.

standard: 35/20 pounds
rx and sport: 50/35 pounds
metcon: 3×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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