December 7, 2018


EMOM for 10 Minutes

30 seconds of Handstand Push-Ups

For today’s skill work we are working on a difficult gymnastics skill.  The strength and skill minimum for attempting handstand push-ups is 10 perfect and unbroken push-ups as well as at least a 60 second handstand hold.  If you aren’t able to perform the base skills, scale the movement to one that gets you working on the movement and addresses your biggest weakness. Spend 30 seconds of each  minute working on the skill by working in small sets or performing single reps if need be. Scale with one or two abmats in order to learn the skill but any more than that and you are better off choosing a scaling option that will address strength issues.  Pike push-ups with your feet on the ground or on a box are a great option.


for time

Squat clean 115/85 lb
Push jerk 115/85 lb

Workout notes

Today we have another workout focused on two barbell movements. This workout has an equal amount of squat cleans and push jerks.  Test both movements and scale your load based on the harder of the two movements. For most of us this will be the push jerk.  Find a weight that is light enough for you to start each round with a moderate sized set rather than a load so heavy you need to perform single repetitions. The total volume for both movements is on the higher side.  If this level of volume is unfamiliar to you scale the volume by chopping off the first round which will drop the total number of reps by a quarter.

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