February 10, 2023

10 rounds:
15 seconds of strict weighted pull ups
1 minute of rest

Up an additional 2.5 to 10 pounds from last week.

We’ll be adding 2.5 to 10 pounds each week, with the goal of always finishing at least 30 pull ups across the whole interval. If at any point you aren’t able to get through 30, then cut the additional weight in half the next week.

If you aren’t yet comfortable with unassisted pull ups, then choose a band that would let you confidently get 4 or 5 pull ups per round. Once you’ve got your band set up, add a 2.5 pound weight to your body by threading an orange band through the plate and wearing it like a backpack. You can then proceed with the same pattern of loading an additional 2.5-10 pounds each week, and cutting that additional load in half if you aren’t able to finish 30 reps total. You could also consider dropping all the way back down to 2.5 pounds and reducing the size of the band that you’re using for assistance. This is an effective method of progressing from band to band.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 16 minutes:
24 sit ups
12 front rack lunges
12 lateral burpees

We’re bookending this week with burpees!
Scale your lunge weight so that it takes no more than two sets to get through twelve reps for the whole workout.
Pick a steady pace and trust that each movement will be just different enough from the last one to let you recover that specific muscle group a little bit.
Enjoy those sit ups.

standard: 75/55
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 4×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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