February 13, 2015



Work up to a strong effort set of three deadlifts.  This doesn’t necessarily mean you go up to max effort, but work up in weight as you feel comfortable. Judge your effort by the strain it takes you to achieve each lift.  New lifters should keep the load light and work on proper body mechanics as they increase in weight.  Start with a light weight and make sure that you have established a straight back and an  appropriate setup as you address the bar.  Be sure to maintain your posture as you progress though each set of three and as you increase in weight.


In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:

1 minute of Double-unders
1 minute of Kettlebell Hang Snatch 24/16kg
2 minutes of Double-unders
2 minutes of Kettlebell Hang Snatch 24/16kg
3 minutes of Double-unders
3 minutes of Kettlebell Hang Snatch 24/16kg

Workout notes: This couplet features a time priority format introduced at CrossFit.com.  Your score will be the total number of repetitions you complete of each movement so make a good effort with both. It will be extremely hard for most people to triple their work completed in the first round so consider cutting it a little short there  as you anticipate spending more time at each station as the workout progresses.

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