Tabata pull-ups or kipping swings
Today’s skill work can be approached in a number of ways. If you are experienced with kipping pull-ups use this opportunity to work on holding straight sets in each round using traditional Tabata scoring. Keep in mind that we often see the kipping pull-up skill work on the minute and this effort will essentially be twice as hard as that format! If you are new to the skill, work on linking together the hollow and arch position in each interval. If you have pull-ups down and would like to step up the difficulty level, give chest to bar pull-ups a try.
20 Rounds of 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
(odd) Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
(even) Air assault bike for calories
Workout notes
We have an interval style workout for today with ten opportunities to work at each of two stations. You will be working for thirty seconds with an equal amount of rest. With rest in every round you should use this opportunity to try and keep a high level of intensity at each station for the duration of the workout. We’ll score this workout by the total number of cleans + calories so you should have one big number at the end of the workout. If you are stepping up your intensity level over what you might normally sustain in a workout without rest you will likely feel a bit more fatigued than normal so do your best hold to consistent numbers through all twenty rounds of today’s workout.