February 14, 2025


EMOM for 12 minutes, alternating between:
1: 2-3 high ring kipping swings
2: 2-3 low ring muscle ups transitions (no dip)

If you’re feeling confident, then take the last 6 minutes of this interval to instead work on muscle up attempts at your own pace. Talk to your coach and have them take a look at your attempts to give you feedback. If you’re watching folks go for muscle up attempts, cheer them on! Avoid giving cues or feedback though; there’s a lot going on in a muscle up, and it’s best to leave the technical focus to be determined by the coach and the athlete.

If you aren’t comfortable with the drills above, then alternate between:
1: 10 ring rows
2: 10-20 second ring support hold

Workout of the Day

4 rounds:
2 minutes to complete 15 back squats, then max cals in the remaining time
2 minute rest

Add up all of your calories for your score.

15 back squats at this light prescribed weight shouldn’t be an issue for fresh legs, but if you’ve been coming to all of the classes this week then your legs are likely a long way from fresh. Take a steady pace on the squat buy-in, and then pick it up on the machine.

Take the back squats off the floor, and don’t drop the bar behind you unless it’s an emergency.

standard: 65/45
rx: 95/65
sport: 115/85
metcon: 4×2:00 on, 2:00 off

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