7 sets of:
3 strict pull ups
Max set of strict dips
Rest about 90 seconds between sets.
For both movements, use no weight and the same band set up (or lack thereof) that you ended on last week. Both of these movements should feel lighter and easier than where you ended up in the progression, so ideally you’ll be able to push for larger sets on the dips. We’ll be reversing this order next week (3 dips, then max pull ups). Record the total number of strict dips you complete added up across all 7 rounds.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
30 seconds of deadlifts
60 seconds of calories
30 seconds of rest
60 seconds of rest
The rest interval here is really just 90 seconds, but it’s written as it is to show what kind of timer we’ll be working with; the clock will alternate between a 30 second interval and a 60 second interval, so make sure you don’t start back up until you’ve gotten your full rest. Choose a challenging weight on your deadlift today; you’re only going for 30 seconds at a time, and you’re coming into the deadlifts fresh off the rest each round.
Add up all of your reps and calories at the end of the workout.
standard: 155/105
rx: 225/155
sport: 245/165
metcon: 5×90 seconds on, 90 seconds off