8 rounds:
4 ring dips (banded, strict, or weighted)
20 seconds of handstand practice
Rest about a minute between rounds
If you’re confident on the movement, consider bumping up the challenge on the ring dips by adding an extra 5 or 10 pounds today. For the handstand practice, anything from wall walks to freestanding handstand holds is fair game.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 deadlifts
8 lateral burpees
4 strict pull ups
Use a deadlift weight light enough that you can hit the first couple of rounds unbroken. Scale the strict pull ups so that even if you’re doing singles you’re able to jump back on the bar quickly between reps. You should be able to keep a pretty steady pace from movement to movement without getting bogged down at any one station today.
standard: 115/85
rx: 155/105
sport: 185/135
metcon: 4×2:00 on, 1:00 off