EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 power clean with pause at the knees + hang power clean
We have ten opportunities to work on a two position clean for today’s skill work. You’ll start by pulling the bar from the floor under control and pausing at the knees momentarily before finishing the rep. Focus on keeping your hips low and chest angle angle mostly upright during that first pull. As you restart the pull after the pause, aggressively open the hips to catch the bar in your front rack with a partial squat. The second rep in the complex is from the hang, reset your grip and stance if needed and lower the bar into the hang by bending at the knees and then hips before you start your second lift.
AMRAP in 10 Minutes *
* 8 kettlebell swings 32/24 kg EMOM
Workout notes
You’ll have ten minutes on the clock today to score as many reps as possible of push-ups. Push-ups tend to fall off fast so break them up early and often if needed. Ideally you should be using a standard that you can maintain for all ten minutes. If that means going from the knees or a box scale before the workout rather than hitting failure and having to progressively scale. You will have a buy-in of eight kettlebell swings every minute starting from 0:00. Use a kettlebell weight you are certain you can hit all eight in one set for most of the rounds. You don’t want to get stuck spending the whole minute doing kettlebell swings!