February 7, 2023

Every 45 seconds for 10 rounds:
3 touch and go power cleans

We’re keeping the weight lighter today and practicing barbell cycling technique; whether you’re coming to a full stop at the hang on the way back down or reaching straight for the floor, you’ll be working on a method of confidently working through three reps with little to no pause in your motion.
Some weights are listed below as rough guidelines for standard, rx, and sport, but switch these up if you’re stronger or weaker on the lifts.
Try to pick a weight and stick with it across the interval unless it’s totally unreasonable to do so.

standard: 95/65
rx: 155/105
sport: 185/135

Workout of the Day
In 20 minutes, with a partner, complete:
150 wall balls total (switching any time)
100 kettlebell hang snatches total (switching any time)
Max calories in the remainder of the 20 minutes (row, bike, or ski)

Your score on this workout is the calories that you and your partner accumulate on your machine. You don’t have to share a machine, but you do have to wait for your partner to be full off of theirs before you get on yours and start.
We’re building off of the kettlebell hang clean and push press from last week with the kettlebell hang snatch this week. The movement isn’t much more physically demanding, and many people find it a bit more natural and comfortable than the clean. Your coach will review the technique with you.
Share a wall ball target even if you don’t share a ball, and focus on quick and efficient switching on and off the target.
You don’t have to divide the work evenly.

standard: 12/8 lb ball, 16/12 kg kb
rx: 20/14 lb ball, 24/16 kg kb
sport: 20/14 lb ball, 28/20 kg kb
metcon: 5×3:00 on, 1:00 off

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