February 9, 2017


EMOM for 10 Minutes
[odd] :30 seconds L-sit hold
[even] :30 seconds Plank hold

For the first part of today’s skill work you will be seated on the floor with your hands flat by your side. Press down on the floor and lift your feet as much as you can while keeping your legs straight and toes together. If you are ready for a scaled up option for this skill use a pair of parallettes rather than sitting on the floor or try hanging from a bar or supporting yourself on a pair of rings while holding an L-sit.  Make sure to choose a version that allows you to hold your position for as much of the 30 seconds as possible. You may perform your plank hold on either your elbows or hands depending on your preference. Focus on quality and don’t sacrifice a good body position just to stay up for the full 30 seconds every round.


AMRAP for 15 Minutes
5 Strict Pull Ups
15 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
45 Double Unders

Workout Notes: We have two difficult skills in todays AMRAP.  The strict pull-up can be scaled to either ring rows or banded strict pull-ups.  Choose a difficulty that allows you to get the reps done in a few sets. If you are still working on double unders scale the number to something more manageable rather than doing singles. More single unders won’t get you better at double unders, but more double unders will!  As always your kettlebell should be a weight that you can swing safely under fatigue.  You should be able to get your sets of 15 done in 3 sets at the most.

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