January 10, 2020


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This Saturday our 8:30 and 9:30 classes will be completing the Natalie Corona Memorial Workout. All are welcome to attend to help us remember and honor Natalie. If you can’t make it to our gym this weekend but this want to complete the workout make sure to tag us. We loved seeing how many people did this workout for Natalie last year from near and far ???? #crossfitdavis #nataliecorona #neverforget #community

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With a 5 Minute time cap climb the double under ladder as high as you can.

5-10-15-20-25-30 … of
Unbroken drag rope double unders.

Start with a set of 5 and add 5 every round.  Stop and rest between rounds as needed  The highest round you complete is your score. If you fail a round start over at the same rung of the ladder.  You do not need to start over at 5.

If you are new to double unders use a speed rope and start with 1 or 2 and increase by 1 or 2 every round rather than trying to go big with the drag rope.


AMRAP in 20 Minutes
20 Box Jumps 24/20″
30 Alternating dumbbell power cleans 50/35 lb
40 Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′

Workout notes

We have a fairly long workout on the menu today with large sets of three conditioning movements.  For the box jumps practice moderating your pace by taking a breath and the bottom or top of the rep and try to maintain a continuous pace.  When it comes to the dumbbells you will want to choose a weight you can maintain touch and go reps for fairly large sets rather than slugging it out with a dumbbell that is too heavy.  When you move to the wall ball shots, transition quickly but collect yourself and start with a big number so you can knock out most of the reps in that first set. Break up the remaining reps into smaller chunks resting for a short time between each until you finish the round.

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