7 air squats
+ straight set of kipping toe-to-bar
Today’s skill work will fly by so make sure to plan for a quick transition from the air squats to the bar for your toes to bar reps. Toes to bar can always be scaled by decreasing the height of your toes in the front part of your swing or practicing knees to chest or even just a kipping swing! Find a variation that gets you some good kipping cadence practice while also working on strength. If kipping isn’t your thing try strict knees to chest or toes to bar! If you are close to other athletes or further inside the gym make sure to keep your mask on for the skill work today.
Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes
1 power clean
1 hang power clean
1 front squat
6 lateral burpees
You’ll just need a barbell for today’s workout. The weight on your bar does not have to be light today but you should be able to complete at least the hang power clean and the front squat without putting the bar down. You can complete the first power clean as either a single or linked together with the hang power clean as well before hanging on to the bar for the front squat. The 6 burpees will be there to break up the bar work so find a pace there that feels manageable and doesn’t tax you too much for the next round. The scale this workout skip the lateral jump over the barbell and keep the weight light. Do your best to keep moving and rack up those rounds!
standard: 115/85 lb
rx: 155/105 lb
sport: 165/115 lb
overachiever: 185/125 lb
CFD at home:
Today’s workout can be done with a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If you have a dumbbell or kettlebell you will want to adjust the reps a bit from what is written for the workout. Just doing two reps of each weighted movement would be great for anyone with a medium to heavy weight at home. If you have a particularly light dumbbell or kettlebell you may want to complete 4 reps of each movement or even something like 2 alternating power cleans, 2 alternating hang power cleans and then 4 front squats would make sense! The burpees should be there to break up the work with your weight so you don’t want to feel like you’re getting to the burpees too quickly in each round. If you want to leave the weight out of the workout completely try a twelve minute AMRAP of 2 broad jumps, 4 air squats and 6 burpees! Your score today will be total rounds plus any extra reps. See you on the leaderboard!