January 14, 2015


8×3 Weighted Pull-Ups

Perform 8 sets of 3 Pull-Ups with the same weight on each set.  If you have been using the bands for a while perform 8 sets of max effort RING ROWS and stay off of the bands for a day.


Deadlift 225/155lbs
Box Jump 24/20″

Workout notes: One of our favorites, the beautiful deadlift/box jump combo! These two movements do compliment each other and make a great strength training pair.  The deadlift taxes the posterior chain so you can think of this as a pushing and pulling combo for legs but of course you will need a strong grip and stable midline. We always emphasize lumbar posture when we talk about deadlifts and we won’t stop now. Concentrate on setting your back before each lift and actively hinge at the hips rather than extreme flexion of the back.  When you are scaling this workout think about a weight that is less than around 70% of your 1RM.  Going unbroken isn’t required of course but you will want to be able to perform sets of your chosen weight when fresh.


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