January 14, 2019


Two rounds of Tabata alternating between

Handstand hold
Double unders

We’ll use the Tabata interval timer for today’s skill work. That means you will have twenty seconds to work and ten seconds to recover and transition between movements. The Tabata interval gives you eight opportunities to work on each piece.  For the handstand hold try kicking up against the wall for as much of twenty seconds as possible.  Scaling up will mean wall facing handstands  with a strong effort hollow hold.  If you’re not up for kicking up into a handstand today you can choose to do a plank hold on your hands or hold a pike position with your feet on a box. In your alternating rounds complete as many double unders as possible.  If you are new to double unders try to achieve a few reps in each round by alternating between singles and doubles.  If you are proficient at double unders give triple unders a try!


AMRAP in 10 Minutes
5 Squat cleans 135/95 lb
10 Power cleans 135/95 lb
15 Push jerks 135/95 lb

Workout notes

This workout is a difficult weightlifting triplet with three distinct barbell movements.  Adjust your load based on the difficulty of the squat clean and/or push jerk. Most of us will want to pay special attention to the large set of push jerks in each round.  Scale the load on your barbell to a weight with which you can complete fairly large sets of push jerks with short rest. If your load is such that you are working through the set of fifteen jerks in small sets, you have gone too heavy!

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