2 Rounda of tabata alternating between
Hollow rocks/hold
Arch hold
The Tabata interval is 8 rounds of 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for a total of 4 minutes. Today we’re performing two rounds of tabata so our skill work will be eight minutes long. Alternating movements every round will give you eight opportunities at each movement. Do your best to keep the intensity high during each interval and attempt your best hollow or arch position in each round. Focus on maintaining a rigid core and focus on creating flexion or extension with your torso and not just bending at the hips or raising your legs up.
5 rounds with one minute on each station
row for calories
overhead squats 95/65 lb
Workout notes
Today’s workout will be scored by the total number of repetitions you complete after working at each station for five rounds. We have two fairly difficult skills in this workout which are the overhead squat and toe to bar. The overhead squat can be a difficult movement if you have mobility issues so consider testing a very light load or scaling to a front squat. Toe-to-bar can be scaled to knee ups or v-ups if you want to stay off of the pull-up bar.