January 19, 2017


1 RM Hang Squat Clean

Today we’re working up to a heavy single Hang Squat Clean.  Start by deadlifting the bar into the hang position and retrace the bar slightly down your legs by bending first at the knees and then bowing forward with the hips. Pull into full extension and catch the bar in a full squat.  Focus on your elbow speed so that you can catch the bar with your elbows up and bearing the load on your torso.  If you are new to this lift you can catch the bar in more of a power position and ride it down into a squat, but try to make this transition between the catch and squat as smooth as possible.


AMRAP in 7 minutes
5 Push Press 115/75lb
15 Air Squats

Workout Notes: Today’s workout is on the shorter side which means one thing: Move Fast! You should be able to complete all 5 push press reps unbroken for most, if not all, of the workout.  Remember that with the push press there is no re-bend of the knee once you drive the bar off of your shoulders.  Make sure that you don’t end up push jerking the bar as your arms and legs get tired.  With the rep counts being low for both movements there will be a lot of transitions in this workout. Try not to waste time here and keep your transitions quick and smooth.


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