January 23, 2019


5 minutes of single unders
20 double unders or 20 seconds of double under attempts EMOM

Today’s skill work is all about the jump rope!  The clock will be set for five minutes and we’ll start out with twenty double unders or about twenty seconds of double under attempts.  After your double unders spend the rest of each minute stringing together as many single unders as possible.  Continue in that fashion for the rest of the five minute interval.  If you are new to the movement add some additional rest in so you can make a solid effort at those double unders.


5 Rounds with one minute on each station

Row for calories
Wall ball shot 20/14 lb 10/9′
Air assault for calories
Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb

Workout notes

This workout will be scored in the same way you would score the CrossFit workout ” fight gone bad”.    Count up your total reps across all four stations and five rounds to come up with one large number at the end of the workout.  All four of these movements are fairly simple to execute but require a high level of intensity to maintain continuous reps.  Start you with a moderate effort on the row and bike in order to get a bit of recovery and do your best to hold that effort across all five rounds.

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