Workout of the Day
3 rounds of 6 minutes on 2 minutes off
6 lunge steps with medicine ball
8 kettlebell swings
10 wall ball shots
You’ll need a medicine ball and a kettlebell for today’s interval style workout. We’ll be working for six minutes at a time with two minutes of rest between each round for three rounds.You’ll be hanging on to your medicine ball for lunge steps, moving to your kettlebell for a small set of swings and then heading back to your medicine ball for some wall ball shots. Try to set yourself up in a small area so that you can focus on quick transitions between each movement.. Your score after three rounds of the six minute work periods will be total rounds plus any extra reps. Move fast and have fun!
standard: 14/10 lb, 24/16 kg
rx: 20/14 lb, 28/20 kg
sport: 20/14 lb, 32/24 kg
overachiever: 20/14 lb, 32/24 kg
CFD at home:
If you don’t have a medicine ball at home you can use your dumbbell or kettlebell for the whole thing! The lunges can be weighted with your dumbbell or kettlebell or feel free to do bodyweight lunges instead. If you have a kettlebell, use it for the swings as written. If you have a dumbbell you can either swing it or switch the swings out for alternating hang cleans or alternating hang snatches. The wall balls can be subbed out for thrusters with your weight if it’s light enough or bodyweight jumping squats if your weight is on the heavier side. Your score after three rounds of the six minute work periods will be total rounds plus any extra reps. See you on the leaderboard!