Every 90s for 10 rounds
20 seconds of drag rope double unders then 1 squat clean & jerk
Today we have odd timing setup for our barbell work. We’ll use a ninety second interval timer and you will have ten opportunities to work up to a strong effort clean & jerk. Be Before each lift, give yourself about twenty seconds to work on double unders. If you are new to the movement you might try to get one or two reps every round. You are up for a challenge try out the drag rope!
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
4 thrusters 95/65 lb
6 kettlebell snatch 24/16 kg
8 front rack walking lunge steps 95/65 lb
Workout notes
We’ll have ten minutes on the clock for today’s workout. You’ll need a barbell and a lighter than usual kettlebell. Each round starts with a small set of thrusters and ends with a large set of walking lunge steps. Sandwiched between those barbell movements is a set of six kettlebell snatches. The snatch will be the most technically challenging movement in today’s workout so make sure you dial in what weight you want to use prior to the workout. Most of us will want to use a weight that is slightly lower than what you might use in a workout with kettlebell swings.