AMRAP in 7 minutes:
4 strict pull ups
4 strict toes to bar
30 second supine plank
Today we’re taking a break to focus on bodyweight movements in the middle of an otherwise barbell-heavy week. If you find the supine plank a bit too easy for just 30 seconds each round, consider loading a 15-35 pound plate onto your midsection. Scale the pull ups to banded or ring rows, and drop the target height on the toes to bar if you need to make them easier.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
2 minutes of calories (row, bike, or ski)
1 minute of push ups
1 minute of rest
Scale your push ups so that you’re getting at least 15-20 per minute. Push hard on the machine; you’ll be struggling for breath on the push ups, but you should be well-recovered after the minute of rest.
standard: push ups
rx: push ups
sport: assault bike, handstand push ups
metcon: 5×3:00 on, 1:00 off