January 5, 2019


10 rounds of 90 seconds work, 90 seconds rest

In every work period complete

7 Clean & Jerks 155/105 lb
Max reps lateral burpees over the bar in remaining time

Workout notes

We’ll have thirty minutes on the clock today and a 1:1 work:rest ratio.  There will be ninety seconds in each work period and your score will be the total number of burpees you complete after ten rounds.  The suggested barbell load is on the heavier side but keep in mind that you’ll want a weight with which you can complete single repetitions in quick succession.  Ideally you should have at least forty-five seconds in each round to knock out burpees.  Grab a whiteboard and write down your reps after each round so you can come up with one score at the end of the workout.  If classes are large we will pair up and share equipment so that one partner works while the other rests.  If that’s the case be sure to clear out quickly at the end of your three minutes so your partner can start working.

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