January 8, 2025


Tempo front squat
6 sets of 3 reps
3 second descent, 3 second hold at the bottom, fast up, 3 seconds between lifts

Target about 75% of your max

Focus on not getting a wind-up bounce to cheat out of the bottom of the squat; you should be totally motionless in the bottom position, and the first movement should be up out of it instead of doing a tiny drop down first to benefit from the rebound.

Workout of the Day

5 rounds:
1 minute of alternating dumbbell power snatches
30 seconds of toes to bar
1 minute of calories
30 seconds of rest

Choose a dumbbell weight that lets you hang on for 2 or 3 solid sets in each minute. Modify the range of motion on your toes to bar with the goal of hitting at least 4 or 5 reps every time you jump up to the bar. Push the pace on the machine, and do your best to get a bit of recovery in each 30 second rest interval.

standard: 35/20
rx and sport: 50/35
metcon: 5×2:30 on, 0:30 off

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