We’re going to focus on skills and technique today in both the warm up and the strength portion of the day.
After your warm up:
1 min L-sit (or a scaled down version of this)
1 min hollow body hold
1 min plank hold
(Rest 10 seconds between each exercise)
Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes: 3 Power Cleans
If your technique is solid, see how 75% of your bodyweight feels. If you are still working on getting comfortable with this movement choose a weight that allows you to keep clean technique through all three reps. We’re looking for QUALITY here!! As you get tired your technique will become even more important to be able to continue to move the weight efficiently. If your form starts to break down, drop some weight!
15 Minute AMRAP
10 C2B Pull Ups
15 KB Swing 24/16
20 Air Squats