January 9, 2024

EMOM for 10 minutes:
15 double unders plus one power snatch

Pick a jump rope volume and difficulty that you can finish in a single easy set in under ten seconds. The jump rope buy-in is to keep you moving and give you a chance to practice transition and setup technique. Feel free to get heavy on the lift as long as you can keep a quick and smooth transition.

We’re going to be working on some gymnastics progressions throughout January and February. You’ll see ring strength and stability work on Mondays, kipping pull up and toe to bar work on Wednesdays, and ring muscle up technique work on Thursdays. We’ll also have strict pull up work mixed into those skill sequences on a weekly basis. Tuesdays and Fridays will be dedicated to Olympic lifting work and tempo squat/deadlift work, respectively. We’ll follow that sequence for four weeks, take one week to work on other movements, and then get back to that sequence for two final weeks.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
70 drag rope single unders
24 alternating dumbbell hang squat cleans

Rest 2 minutes

AMRAP in 7 minute:
70 drag rope single unders
24/18 calories

Record two separate sets of rounds and reps for this workout. If the sets of 70 drag rope single unders are pretty easy for you, use them as a recovery effort so that you can catch your breath and get back into the cleans and calories at a quick pace.

standard: 35/20
rx and sport: 50/35
metcon: 7:00 on, 2:00 off, 7:00 on

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