10 sets of 3 strict pull ups
Banded, unassisted, or weighted
Rest about a minute between sets
Try to bump up the difficulty just a little bit from last week’s 7 sets of 4. A great way to do this is to add a 2.5 pound or 5 pound plate to your body, whether you’re going banded, unassisted, or already had some weight on there.
Workout of the Day
7 rounds for time:
50 drag rope single unders
15 wall balls
15 minute time cap
This workout is a repeat from Tuesday, December 3rd. See if you can hang on to larger sets for more rounds on your wall balls! This is a great chance to push for a fair number of unbroken rounds if you’re comfortable with the movement. Modify the jump rope volume to something that you can finish in under 45 seconds every round.
standard: 12/8
rx: 20/14
sport: 20/14, unbroken wall balls
metcon: 7×1:00 on, 0:30 off