July 10, 2024

EMOM for 8 minutes:
10 single unders
One set of double unders (no more that about 15 seconds)
10 single unders

Pick a skill difficulty for the double unders that lets you get 5-15 seconds of good practice in. Try to transition directly from the singles to the double unders and back again without breaking. The goal of this work is to trip up no more than three or four times across all 8 rounds; scale accordingly!

Below are some double under alternates in ascending order of difficulty.

Single unders
Fast single unders
Alternating fast and slow single unders every 5 reps
Single unders with a double every fifth jump
5 single unders, 5 double unders
Double unders
Double unders (large sets)

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
8 pull ups
12 box jumps
16 alternating dumbbell power snatches

Scale the pull ups to a difficulty that doesn’t have you dropping down to singles until the last minute or two of the workout, if ever. This is a good opportunity to challenge yourself a bit on the dumbbell weight, so consider bumping 5 pounds closer to rx if you’re working your way up in weight.

standard: 35/20 pound dumbbell, 20/12 inch box
rx: 50/35 pound dumbbell, 24/20 inch box
sport: 50/35 pound dumbbell, 24/20 inch box, chest to bar pull ups
metcon: 6×1:40 on, 0:20 off

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