July 11, 2019


Tabata V-ups
Tabata Plank hold
Tabata Ring Support hold

1 minute rest between each Tabata

We’re working on some fundamental gymnastic positions today. We will have a full three rounds of Tabata with one minute rest between rounds. The goal is to do as much work as possible in each twenty second work period.  For the V-ups get the reps as strict as possible and slow down your cadence if needed.  During the planks hold a tight hollow position at your midline.  Fight the urge to sag or raise your hips.  The ring support hold will likely be the most difficult of the three movements.  Hold the position for as much of the twenty seconds as possible and come down early if you need to in order repeat that effort.  The support can be scaled in a few different ways.  You can use a band to help stabilize the rings or put pressure on the floor with your toes to reduce some of the resistance.


AMRAP in 10 Minutes

10 Deadlift 185/135 lb
10 Push-ups

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a short and classic couplet.  We’re pairing an upper body pressing movement with a lower body pulling movement.   The benchmark load for the deadlift is on the lighter side and going unbroken is always an option but not required of course.   If a set of ten is near max effort then you definitely have too much weight on the bar.  Push-ups are a movement that fatigues quickly so break them up early and often if needed.  Scale to a reasonably difficult standard and do your best to hold that for the entire workout.

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