8 sets of:
3 ring muscle up transitions (standing, banded, jumping, or on the high rings)
3 ring dips
3-10 second support hold
Ideally you’ll hit your 3 muscle up transitions, 3 dips, and 3-10 second support hold all in the same unbroken set. The goal is to pick a difficulty that lets you accomplish that without too much trouble for all but one or two of the 8 rounds. We want to practice ring and muscle up work in a way that lets us succeed with confident technique on about 90% of the drills that we practice. Once you’ve established that consistent level of performance on the skills, the difficulty of drill that you’re able to tackle will rise very quickly.
If you’ve been eyeing the muscle up as a skill, do this sequence about twice a week. Avoid repeat attempts at a full muscle up unless you’re succeeding on them the majority of the time.
Workout of the Day
For time:
210 double unders
150 sit ups
90 wall balls
20 minute time cap
If you like the rep scheme of 21-15-9, you should theoretically like this rep scheme ten times as much! Your jump rope should take no more than 5 minutes, your sit ups about 7, and your wall balls about 8. If your aren’t sure what volume to pick to hit those targets, you can always just keep an eye on the clock during the workout and move on if it feels excessive and you’ve gone past that recommendation.