July 12, 2024

Every 45 seconds for 8 rounds:
One set of toes to bar

Nice and simple today; scale the target height of your toes to bar so that you can get 4-8 reps per round, and settle in for some good practice reps.

Workout of the Day
7 rounds:
45 seconds of overhead lunges
15 seconds of rest
45 seconds of calories
15 seconds of rest

Use a very light barbell for your overhead lunges, and try to hang onto it for one large set every 45 second interval. If you really want to challenge yourself, then make sure you’re actively doing lunges for the entire 45 seconds, rather than stopping early for extra transition time. The same goes for the calories: fill the interval with work. If the overhead position is too much for your shoulders, drop it down to front or back rack lunges.

standard: 45/35
rx: 75/55
sport: 95/65
metcon: 14×0:45 on, 0:15 off

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