July 15, 2019


5 attempts at a Handstand hold w/ 10 shoulder taps

Our skill menu for today has us working upside down and progressing towards handstand walking.  If you are comfortable hanging out upside down start by trying to transfer your weight from one shoulder to the other mimicking the type of loading you will encounter while handstand walking.  Once you have that down you can attempt quickly lifting one arm and touching your shoulder on that same side.  This will put all of your weight on one arm so you’ll need to have a pretty well developed handstand in order to pull this move off.  This is a fairly advanced skill so remember to start at the beginning of our handstand progression before attempting something that is far outside of your capabilities.  If you are not sure where to start see where you fit on the following guide and talk to a coach.

Level 1 10-30 Shoulder taps while in a plank hold
Level 2 Pike handstand with feet on floor or box with or without shoulder taps
Level 3 Pike handstand with feet on wall with weight transfer back and forth between hands
Level 4 Handstand hold on wall with weight transfer back and forth between hands
Level 5 Handstand hold with shoulder taps


With a clock set for 18 Minutes

3 Minutes of Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
3 Minutes of Burpees
3 Minutes of Strict Pull-ups
2 Minutes of Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
2 Minutes of Burpees
2 Minutes of Strict Pull-ups
1 Minute of Sandbag cleans 100/70 lb
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Strict Pull-ups


Today we’ll use a clock set for eighteen minutes for a three station, three round workout. Your time at each station will start with three minutes and then descend by one minute each round.  Your score will be the total number of repetitions you complete after you have hit every station three times.  There is no rest between stations so keep a total count of your reps as work through each round and allow a few seconds to transition between stations.   All three of these movements have high strength base so most of use will have to slow down our pace at all three stations in order to work continuously. Remember that one half of the total workout time occurs in the first round.   Do your best to work continuously but pace yourself at those first three minute stations so you can keep the intensity high in the later rounds.

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