July 17, 2024

5 rounds:
20 seconds of single unders
10 seconds of rest
20 seconds of double unders
10 seconds of rest

We’re alternating between single under and double under practice today; the single unders are there to give you a reset and force you to work at more than one speed. If you can go for twenty seconds of unbroken double unders across all 5 rounds, work on increasing the speed of your reps.

This is a repeat of the skill work three weeks ago, so try to bump up the difficulty of the double under drill you select by one or two notches. Next week we’ll be re-testing max double unders in an 8 minute ladder.

If you don’t yet have double unders, then pick a skill from the list below (roughly ascending order of difficulty). Choose a skill that lets you succeed on most of the sets you start.

Single unders
Fast single unders
Alternating fast and slow single unders every 5 reps
Single unders with a double every fifth jump
5 single unders, 5 double unders
Double unders
Double unders (large sets)

Workout of the Day
3 rounds:
2 minute of step ups
1 minute of rest
2 minutes of calories
1 minute of rest

Gear up for long efforts on both the step ups and the machine. You’ll have to dial your pace back just a little bit on both movements so that you don’t gas out and grind to a halt. Record the sum of all of your step ups and all of your calories.

standard: 20/12 inch box
rx: 24/20 inch box
sport: 24/20 inch box, holding a 20/14 pound med ball
metcon: 6×2:00 on, 1:00 off

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