July 18, 2018

Mobility class with Syd today at 4pm! Also! ⭐ We’re happy to announce the addition of a second class time on Wednesday’s at 7:30pm! Come get stretchy with Syd! #crossfitdavis #mobility #tuesday4pm #wednesday730pm #bethereorbeimmobile

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EMOM for 10 Minutes
1 Squat snatch with pause in bottom of overhead squat + 1 Squat snatch no TnG

Today we’re working on the squat snatch with a two rep complex.  The movement is very difficult and requires a great deal of mobility. Warm up to a weight that is in the 60-70% range and only add weight to your bar throughout the EMOM if you are nailing the lift with the pause.  If you’re not sure what weight to start with test the movement at a low weight to make sure you are using a weight that you can land into a deep squat with while keeping your feet flat and your chest up.  Adding the pause will increase the difficulty of the lift so be conservative! Follow up the pause snatch with a full snatch from the floor. Lower the bar from overhead and reset in the bottom of your setup before performing the second lift. If the squat snatch isn’t happening today due to mobility issues work on a power snatch with a pause in the catch only as low as you are able. You can also add in some overhead squats with a PVC or empty barbell if you can so you can get a feel for the movement. If you often struggle with mobility during lifts and skill work make sure to get to one of Sydney’s mobility classes on Tuesdays at 4pm or TONIGHT at 7:30pm!


for time
50 Kettlebell swing 32/24 kg
50 Box jump 24/20″
50 Overhead walking lunge steps w/ plate 45/35 lb

Workout notes

Today’s workout is in the format of chipper with large set sizes for all three movements.  Start with a large set of kettlebell swings but avoid going to failure. Stop just short and catch your breath before finishing the set with a few moderate sized sets. Start the box jumps at a sustainable pace and try to speed up your cadence as you recover from the swings.  Ideally you are working at a steady pace with slightly increasing intensity.  Finish your workout with a large set of lunges holding a plate overhead. These are performed in place stepping either forward or backward. Keep your torso upright and the plate locked out overhead.  If you can not keep your elbows locked out while the plate is overhead, choose to hold the plate or another object at your chest. Bodyweight lunges are also a great option here if needed.

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