EMOM for 10 minutes:
Power clean plus split jerk
Feel free to push the weight, as long as you can maintain excellent technique. Focus on your stance in the power clean: feet squat width, hips back in the catch. Don’t let yourself kick out to a sumo position as the weight increases.
Workout of the Day
5 rounds:
1 minute of pull ups
20 seconds of rest
1 minute of calories (row, bike, or ski [ski not recommended])
20 seconds of rest
If you aren’t sure what pull up difficulty to pick, then choose one that allows you to hit sets of 3-5 throughout most of the workout. It’s totally fine to make the difficulty on the pull ups hard enough that you’ll be doing singles though. Just don’t tear.
standard: banded pull ups or ring rows
rx: strict or kipping pull ups
sport: bar muscle ups
metcon: 5x 1:20 on, 1:20 off