July 19, 2024

Every 45 seconds for 8 rounds:
One set of kipping pull ups

Shoot for about 3-8 reps of the kipping pull up every round. If you’re new to the movement, a good starting point is to alternate between a set of 5-10 kipping swings in one round and a set of banded strict pull ups or ring rows in the other. If you’re comfortbale with that drill sequence, then hop on a thick band and try assisted kipping pull ups; they can feel awkward at first, but the band is a great tool to get comfortable with.

Workout of the Day
AMRAP in 18 minutes:
3-6-9-12-15-18… etc
Hang power clean

After every round, complete 20 sit ups and 60 drag rope single unders.

Choose a barbell weight that you can hang on to for sets of about 5 throughout the workout. You shouldn’t grind to a halt on the hang cleans, but you also shouldn’t be able to easily hit unbroken rounds after the first few. Settle into a steady pace on the sit ups and drag rope single unders.

standard: 95/65
rx: 115/85
sport: 135/95
metcon: 3×4:00 on, 2:00 off

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