Front Squat
Today we’re tackling some heavy high rep front squats. With the front squat we want to focus on keeping the elbows up and chest as upright as possible. As with any kind of squatting you’ll want to practice keeping your knees out and tracking over your feet. Remember to release the grip on the bar a bit in the front squat and load the bar onto your torso which should help you keep your elbows and chest up. 7 reps is A LOT for a heavy weight so go in with a plan and use your first set to test out how you handle the 7 reps and build across several sets.
AMRAP in 12 minutes
3-6-9-12-15-18… *
Burpees to a plate
* 15 sit ups after each round
Workout notes
Your score for today’s workout will be the number of burpees in the round you complete all of the burpees plus the additional fifteen sit-ups. For example, if you finished eighteen burpees and fifteen sit-ups then all of the burpees in the round of twenty one, your score would be 18+21. You’ll start the workout by knocking out three burpees and fifteen sit-ups before moving on to the round of six burpees. Remember that there is no need to clap over head with burpees to a plate. Make contact with your chest and thighs on the floor behind the plate and then quickly close the hips and jump to the plate reaching full extension of the hips and knees. The workout is front loaded with sit-ups as you work through the smaller rounds of burpees so move quickly but leave something in the tank for those final higher rep rounds in the end. Keep in mind that this is a high volume of both sit-ups and burpees so pace yourself rather than going out all out in those early rounds.