July 2, 2019


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Class hours for this week! Please note adjusted hours for both Thursday AND Friday! We have a fun workout planned for Thursday that can be done in teams of 3 or in partners! Plan your teams before Thursday and and get ready for some fun! Hint: the workout is a repeat ???? #crossfitdavis #4thofjuly #CFDisTHEplacetobe

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EMOM for 10 Minutes

Slow pull squat clean w/ pause in bottom of squat

We’re working on some positional awareness in the squat clean today.  Start by lifting  the bar from the floor as you keep your hips low and your back upright.  Practice pulling  the bar off of the floor under control and gradually increase speed without compromising your upper body positioning.   As the bar passes your knees, violently open the hips to create vertical lift and quickly drop into a receiving position.  When you catch the bar in the bottom of your squat drive pause momentarily and take a quick assessment of your position.  You will have ten opportunities to work on this lift so make every rep count.   Remember that this is skill work so maxing out your lift is not a priority. Start light and work up to a moderate load that allows you to test a reasonable weight but do not sacrifice your mechanics.


AMRAP in 12 Minutes

10-20-30-40-50 …

Wall ball shots 20/14 lb 10/9′

Workout notes

Today’s workout is a twelve minute AMRAP with an ascending rep scheme.  The workout starts with smaller sets of both movements and quickly ramps up the volume.  We’ll be hitting the higher sets of wall ball shots deep into the workout when fatigue has already set in so plan on breaking up those rounds into managable numbers.  Starting each round with a large set is a good idea but not necessarily a max set.

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